
*Insert the meme “I was born at a very young age”*

I remember some evenings going back home with my mom; from my grandparents house, as it was the weekend. The train station. The cigarettes’ smell, people rushing, the smell of magazines, the taste of some date cookies -That I hated back then, which I buy now for some nostalgia just to say “back when I…


Some say that the grass is greener on the other side. Others say that the grass is greener where you water it. Some days your grass won’t be green. The grass on the other side will be greener. They will tell you that the grass is green where you water it. But, some days, no…

Allah said so !

I am not wearing hijab because it looks nice. I am not wearing hijab because it makes me a queen. I am not wearing hijab because I can also look good in it. I am not wearing hijab because my parents want me to. I am not wearing hijab to prove anything. I am not…

Do it right !

I find that one of the ways to repentance is to call things by their name. Example: You know Allah commanded us to wear hijab.* Hence when you are not wearing it, it means you are disobeying that command thus disobeying Allah. You are DISOBEYING Allah This is what you should call it. No matter…

I didn’t have a childhood I would wanna go back to.

It’s challenging to break free from the past. What makes it even more challenging is, that mindset, that either you have a good childhood and good memories, that help in setting your future on a healthy foundation, or else your future is doomed to be as messed up as your past. There is even that…

One decision away from a totally different life.

There are many quotes I can think of that could go as an epigraph to each of the chapters of my life. One of my favorites is the one that goes “You are always one decision away from a totally different life”. At first it gives you a brief excitement; of which your thoughts kill…

An opportunity isn’t always one to take.

I once got obsessed with the word “perspective”. I was wondering what mine was, in life. I was thinking I could be many things. How is it that such and such are this or that kinda person. How do I decide what to be. What is or what should prevent me from being what. Do…

A lifestyle that takes me into account…

I wanted a lifestyle that matches my energy, strenght, skills, health: mental, physical and emotional, the fact that I am a woman and all that it entails: a lifestyle that took ME into account too. I believe that one of the best recipes for failure is to omit this part in your journey. We can…

I bet you too..

I don’t know when I will die. I wasn’t introduced to this life properly. It took a while before everything made sense to me. Only when I strived to know where I stand in life, only when I started to walk on the path, did the path unfold for me. Alhamdulilah. When I think about…

I was just allowing myself to imagine freely.

As always, back in college, whenever I had a class of 3 hours or more, I used to dedicate a couple minutes of it for zoning out and working on my life plan. I once asked myself: what would be a routine I would like to have,what would I want to do when I wake…


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